Legit China Steroid Lieferant

Hexarelin | Examorelin Peptid Bodybuilding GHRH Stärkstes GHRP GHSR

  • Technische Daten

Hexarelin Examorelin Peptide Bodybuilding GHRH Strongest GHRP GHSR for sale

Produktname Hexarelin
Auch bekannt als Hexarelin Acetate, Examorelin
Aussehen Gefriergetrocknetes weißes Pulver
Standard Pharmazie
Reinheit Nicht niedriger als 98.00%
Anwendungstyp Injektion
Bereitstellungsformular Lyophilisiertes Pulver in Fläschchen / Reines Rohpulver, kein Fläschchen


What is Hexarelin Acetate ?

Hexarelin, also known as Examorelin, is a Growth Hormone (GH), specifically a Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor (GHSR) of the hexapeptide class. Hexarelin is in many ways similar to GHRP-6; Jedoch, it has been shown to be much stronger producing a larger increase in naturally produced GH. Some data suggest it may be the strongest synthetic Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) on the market. Hexarelin is comprised of a chain of amino acids that when administered stimulates the pituitary in a pulsating fashion causing it to release more GH into the body.


Hexarelin Benefits or Effects :

Joint healing (not masking or false pain relief, but actual healing)
Strengthening of the Neural system
Muscle fiber repair (ideal for injuries)
Direct increase of bone density
Heart protection (some data has shown it may heal heart tissue, including the healing of scar tissue to the relieving of pressure at the left ventricle)


Hexarelin Dosage and Injection Administration
Hexarelin is administered via a subcutaneous injection. It will come in dry powder form and is mixed with bacteriostatic water. 200mcg per day appears to be the best dose for most in terms of benefits, although some may go as high as 400mcg per day. Users that use 400mcg per day do, Jedoch, run the risk of pituitary flair up. Most data shows benefits of 200mcg per day are not exceeded with higher doses of Hexarelin.

Due to the inactivity that will occur in time, 16 weeks of use max is the general recommendation with a minimum of 4 weeks of no use before starting again. Most users will find 8-12 weeks to be the most effective and beneficial time frame.


Peptid-OEM: Wir liefern seit Jahren Peptidhormone, Hexarelin Examorelin Peptide Bodybuilding GHRH Strongest GHRP for sale. Wir können eine maßgeschneiderte Produktion für einige Peptide in 0,1 mg durchführen,0.5mg,1mg,2mg,5mg,10mg/Fläschchen, wenn Sie brauchen, mit jeder Farbe von Flip-off-Kappen.

Es sind Peptidpulver und eine Peptidkombination mit mehreren Inhaltsstoffen erhältlich. (Kundenspezifische Produktion gilt nur für die Menge des oben genannten Wirkstoffpeptids 1 Gramm )

Bodybuilding-Ergänzungen, Lyophilisiertes Peptid in Flasche , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Anfrageformular ( wir werden wieder so schnell wie möglich zu erhalten )


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