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Testosteronacetat-Kurzester im Supertest 450 mg

Testosterone Acetate Description: Testosterone Acetate ester is much faster acting than Testosterone Enathate or Cypionate, and thus requires a more frequent injection schedule such as every day or every other day in order to keep blood levels as stable as possible. The benefit to this however, is that the steroid can be cleared from the body much more quickly after

Trestolone Acetate MENT Methylnortestosterone Powder Source

Trestolone Acetate MENT Methylnortestosterone Legit Oral Anabolic Steroids Powder Source Trestolone Acetate MENT (methylnortestosterone acetate ) Chemische Zusammensetzung : 17 beta-hydroxy-7 alpha-methylestr-4-en-3-one acetate Molecular Weight: 330.465 g/mol M.F: C21-H30-O3 Trestolone, also known as 7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT) or 7α-methylestr-4-en-17β-ol-3-one, is a synthetic androgenic-anabolic steroid (AAS). It is used to build muscle rapidly and is a theoretical candidate drug for use in hormonal male

Methyl-1-Testosteron | M-1-T | Lieferant von Methyldihydroboldenon-Rohsteroidpulver

17Alpha Methyl-1-Testosterone | M-1-T | Methyldihydroboldenone Raw Steroid Powder Supplier Methyl-1-Testosterone (M-1-T or Methyldihydroboldenone) or 17A-Methyl-1-Testosterone Chemical Composition: 17alpha methyl-17beta-hydroxyandrost-1-ene-3-one Formula: C20H30O2 Detection Time: Unknown M-1-Testosterone (M-1-T) Beschreibung : Methyl-1-Testosteron, a.k.a. methyldihydroboldenone, is a methylated derivative of the anabolic steroid dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an anabolic steroid that was designed to treat testosterone deficiency in males. M-1-Testosterone (M-1-T) Steroid Form : Methyl-1-Testosterone is marketed in the US (by

Testosteronpropionat-Pulver EP-Test P-Injektionsbestandteil

Application of Testosterone Propionate: Testosterone Propionate is an excellent anabolic steroid. As a testosterone compound it is highly versatile, tremendously beneficial and well-tolerated by most all adult men. When we consider the affordable price of Testosterone Propionate, this only enhances its appeal even more. a pharmaceutical material, Steroidhormon, Anabolin, bodybuilding steroid , muscle gain supplements . Male hormone drugs

Testosteron-Enanthate-Pulvertest E Quality Raws Source

  Was ist Testosteron Enantat ? Testosteron Enantat (Markennamen Delatestryl, Testostroval, LA testen, LA-Tag, Durathat, Jeder, Tester, Andropositorium), oder Testosteronheptanoat, ist ein Androgen und anaboles Steroid und ein Testosteronester. Zusammen mit Testosteroncypionat und Testosteronpropionat, es ist einer der am häufigsten verwendeten Testosteronester. Testosteron Enantat wurde zuerst eingeführt 1952. Wird intramuskulär verabreicht …

Methenolonacetat-Pulver Orales Primobolan-Steroid

Methenolone Acetate Powder Oral Primobolan Steroid Manufacturer Sales Primobolan Methenolone Acetate Basic Info CAS Number: 434-05-9 Molekularformel: C22H32O3 Molecular Weight: 344.49 Aussehen: White or Almost white crystalline powder Grade: Pharmaceutical Grade What is Methenolone Acetate ? Metenolone acetate, or methenolone acetate (brand names Primobolan, Primobolan S, Primonabol, Nibal), also known as 1-methyl-4,5α-dihydro-δ1-testosterone 17β-acetate (1-methyl-δ1-DHT 17β-acetate) or 1-methylandrost-1,4-dien-17β-ol-3-one 17β-acetate, ist ein Synthetik, …

Supertest 450mg/ml | Super Testosteron 450 mg Mischung anaboler Steroide

Supertest 450mg/ml | Super Testosteron 450 mg Mischung anaboler Steroide

Supertest 450mg/ml | Super Testosterone 450mg Blend Anabolic Steroid Injection Bulk Ready Liquid Steroid for sale. Wir kochen mit hochwertigen Rohstoffen und garantieren eine ausreichende Dosierung pro Milliliter. Supertest 450mg/ml mit 50ml, 100ml, 200ml, 400ml, 500ml, 1 Liter, 5 Liter, 10 Liter, 20 Liter, 25 Literflasche/Behälter/Trommelverpackung. Aktive anabole Steroide Inhaltsstoffe & Cooking Recipes of Supertest 450mg as below: Supertest 450mg/ml …

Prüfen 400 mg/ml | Mischen Sie Testosteron 400 mg OEM Anabolic Gear

Prüfen 400 mg/ml | Mischen Sie Testosteron 400 mg OEM Anabolic Gear / Steroid Injection Bulk Ready Liquid Steroid for sale. Wir kochen mit hochwertigen Rohstoffen und garantieren eine ausreichende Dosierung pro Milliliter. Prüfen 400 mg/ml with 50ml, 100ml, 200ml, 400ml, 500ml, 1 Liter, 5 Liter, 10 Liter, 20 Liter, 25 Literflasche/Behälter/Trommelverpackung. Aktive anabole Steroide Inhaltsstoffe & Cooking Recipes of Test 400mg

Testovirus 135 mg/ml | Testosteron 135 mg Mischung Anabolic Gear

Testovirus 135 mg/ml | Testosteron 135 mg Mischung Anabolic Gear / Steroid Injection Bulk Ready Liquid Steroid for sale. Wir kochen mit hochwertigen Rohstoffen und garantieren eine ausreichende Dosierung pro Milliliter. Testovirus 135 mg/ml with 50ml, 100ml, 200ml, 400ml, 500ml, 1 Liter, 5 Liter, 10 Liter, 20 Liter, 25 Literflasche/Behälter/Trommelverpackung. Aktive anabole Steroide Inhaltsstoffe & Cooking Recipes of Testoviron 135 …

Tri Tren 180 mg/ml | Anabole Injektion mit Tri-Trenbolon-Mischung

Tri Tren 180 mg/ml | Anabole Injektion mit Tri-Trenbolon-Mischung / Steroid Injection Bulk Ready Liquid Steroid for sale. Wir kochen mit hochwertigen Rohstoffen und garantieren eine ausreichende Dosierung pro Milliliter. Tri Tren 180 mg/ml with 50ml, 100ml, 200ml, 400ml, 500ml, 1 Liter, 5 Liter, 10 Liter, 20 Liter, 25 Literflasche/Behälter/Trommelverpackung. Aktive anabole Steroide Inhaltsstoffe & Cooking Recipes of Tri-Tren 180 mg as

TM-Mischung 500 mg/ml | Trenbolon Testosteron TM 500 mg Blend Depot Anabolic

TM-Mischung 500 mg/ml | Trenbolone Testosterone TM 500mg Blend Depot Anabolic Gear / Steroid Injection Bulk Ready Liquid Steroid for sale. Wir kochen mit hochwertigen Rohstoffen und garantieren eine ausreichende Dosierung pro Milliliter. TM Blend 500mg/ml with 50ml, 100ml, 200ml, 400ml, 500ml, 1 Liter, 5 Liter, 10 Liter, 20 Liter, 25 Literflasche/Behälter/Trommelverpackung. Aktive anabole Steroide Inhaltsstoffe & Kochen Rezepte …

Tri-Test 300 mg/ml | Tri-Testosteron 300 mg Mischung Injektion Anabole Gewinne

Tri-Test 300 mg/ml | Tri-Testosteron 300 mg Mischung Injektion Anabole Gewinne / Steroid Injection Bulk Ready Liquid Steroid for sale. Wir kochen mit hochwertigen Rohstoffen und garantieren eine ausreichende Dosierung pro Milliliter. Tri-Test 300 mg/ml with 50ml, 100ml, 200ml, 400ml, 500ml, 1 Liter, 5 Liter, 10 Liter, 20 Liter, 25 Literflasche/Behälter/Trommelverpackung. Aktive anabole Steroide Inhaltsstoffe & Cooking Recipes of Tri Test 300 mg wie unten: Testosterone propionate 30mg Tri Test 300mg/ml

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