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DSIP 2 mg | Delta Schlafinduzierendes Peptid-Schlafmittel

DSIP 2 mg | Delta Schlafinduzierendes Peptid-Schlafmittel

DSIP 2 mg | Delta Sleep-inducing Peptide Sleeping Medicine For Sale Product Name DSIP (Delta sleep-inducing peptide) Also known as DSIP Appearance White Freeze-Dried Powder or lyophilized Powder Standard Pharmaceutical Purity Not Lower Than 98.00% Anwendungstyp: Injektion, Bereitstellung von lyophilisiertem Pulver in Fläschchen / Pure Raw Powder No Vial What is DSIP ? Delta sleep-inducing peptide, abbreviated DSIP, is a neuropeptide that

5-Hydroxytryptophan 5-HTP Ghana-Samenextrakt Antidepressivum gegen Schlaflosigkeit

5-Hydroxytryptophan Ghana Seed Extract 5-HTP Help Sleep Treat Insomnia Antidepressant 5-Hydroxytryptophan Alias: 5-HTP , Ghana seed extract CAS NO: 56-69-9 Molekularformel: C11H12N2O3 Molecular Weight: 220.22 Reinheit: 98% Min Appearance: White solid powder. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (Ghana Seed Extract) 5-HTP Use: 1. anti depression: 5 – HTP is the amino acid tryptophan metabolite, is a precursor of the serotonin in human body, …

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