Proveedor legítimo de esteroides de China

AS-031 Powder Form

Ace 031 1mg/Vial for Bodybuilding, Muscle Growth Peptides Ace 031 .

  • Presupuesto

Ace 031 Bodybuilding Muscle Growth Peptides Ace 031 Polvo

AS-031 Powder Form powder Peptide

AS-031 Powder Form PP Tube

Información básica
Production Capacity:100g/Month
Términos de pago:T/T, Money Gram, Western Union, bitcóin
personalizado: personalizado
Adecuado para: Adulto
Appearant: Polvo
Nombre: Ace-031
Policy: Reshipping Policy
Origen: Porcelana
Polvo: Sí
State: Solid
Express: ccsme, Hkems TNT, UPS, DHL, FedEx, HK Post Mail
Grade Standard: Medicine Grade
Ace 031 Bodybuilding Muscle Growth Peptides Ace 031 Polvo
Product Description
Lyophilized Peptide Powder Effective Increase Muscle Ace 031

Follistatin is a single-chain gonadal protein that specifically inhibits follicle-stimulating hormone release.

Apariencia: Estéril Filtrado Blanco Liofilizado (liofilizado) polvo.
Pureza: Mas grande que 95.0%
Formulation: Lyophilized from a concentrated (1mg/ml) solution containing no additives. Solubilidad: It is recommended to reconstitute the lyophilized Follistatin in sterile 18M -cm H2O not less than 100 G/ml, which can then be further diluted to other aqueous solutions. Estabilidad: Lyophilized Follistatin although stable at room temperature for 3 semanas, should be stored desiccated below -18ºC. Upon reconstitution FST should be stored at 4ºC between 2-7 days and for future use below -18ºC. For long term storage it is recommended to add a carrier protein (0.1% HSA o BSA).

AS-031 Muscle Growth:

AS-031 is intended for research purpose only. AS-031 should not be used for human consumption, diagnostic, therapeutic procedures, agricultural and veterinary purposes.

AS-031 is a soluble fusion protein that has been shown to increase muscle mass and strength in research studies. AS-031 is being studied as a treatment for metabolic diseases, renal neoplasms of childhood, cardiovascular anomalies, age-related muscle loss, and cancer treatment related muscle loss and neuromuscular diseases. AS-031 is a biologic therapeutic, based on activin receptor type IIB (ActRIIB). The molecule inhibits signaling via the ActRIIB receptor binding and increase muscle mass and strength. AS-031 is a recombinant fusion protein that is artificially synthesized by fusion of standard antibody and a portion of ActRIIB receptor. The recombinant fusion protein eliminates myostatin and other biomolecules that limit muscle strength or growth.


Forma de péptido en polvo , , , , , , , , ,

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