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Péptido liberador de hormona de crecimiento GHRP-6 6 | GHRP 6 | Pralmorelina GHRH

  • Presupuesto

Péptido liberador de hormona de crecimiento GHRP-6 6 | GHRP 6 | Pralmorelina GHRH

nombre del producto Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide 6
También conocido como GHRP 6, ghrp-6
Apariencia Polvo blanco liofilizado
Estándar Farmacéutico
Pureza No inferior a 98.00%
tipo de aplicacion Inyección
Formulario de suministro Polvo liofilizado en viales / Polvo crudo puro sin vial


What is GHRP 6 ?

GHRP-6 (Growth Hormone Releasing Hexapeptide) is a peptide hormone of the Growth Hormone (GH) class. The purpose of GHRP-6 as is with all related peptides is to increase the amount of natural GH production in the body. Increases in GH can be beneficial to anabolism, pérdida de grasa, recovery and general well being as well as serve possible anti-aging purposes. GHRP-6, and this applies to all GHRP hormones, mimic the production of ghrelin. This mode of action stimulates the ghrelin receptors, GHS-R1a or Growth Hormone Secretagogue. This stimulation acts to increase GH production by stimulating the pituitary, specifically the ghrelin receptors located in the pituitary.

GHRP6 Specification Info :

Cas No : 158861-67-7
Molecular Formula C45H55N9O6
Peso molecular 818.0
Pureza (HPLC) 98.0%mín..
Appearance White powder
Single Impurity (HPLC) 1.0%máximo
Amino Acid Composition ±10% of theoretical
Peptide Content (N%) ≥80.0%
Water Content(Karl Fischer) ≤6.0%
Acetate Content (HPIC) ≤12.0%
MS(ESI) Consistent
Mass Balance 95.0~105.0%

GHRP-6 Effects & Benefits
The effects of GHRP-6 run very deep, but if you are looking for a single performance enhancing item this is not the one for you. GHRP-6 can provide performance enhancing benefits; sin embargo, it will not at a significant rate when used alone. This peptide will show far greater benefits when used as part of a long-term anti-aging plan (Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)) or in conjunction with other medications used to enhance performance.

For the athlete or bodybuilder, GHRP-6 may be used in conjunction with Mod GRF 1-29 in lieu of HGH use. HGH will produce far greater results for the athlete, but the GHRP-6/Mod GRF 1-29 will only cost a fraction of HGH.

HRT (Hormone Replace Treatment), this will be the primary beneficial period of GHRP-6 use. This may apply to male or female HRT. HRT patients that include GHRP-6 as part of their plan will do so for long to indefinite periods of time in an effort to maintain elevated levels of GH continuously in a body that otherwise produces a suboptimal amount. Such HRT patients, along with proper diet and assuming all their other hormone levels are optimal via natural or therapeutic means can expect the following:

Decreased levels of body fat
Improved sleep
Stronger immune system
Stronger bones
Healthier skin
Improved recovery
Increased energy (not due directly to use but due to other effects of improved health)


OEM de péptidos: Suministramos hormona peptídica durante años, Péptido liberador de hormona de crecimiento GHRP-6 6 | GHRP 6 | Pralmorelin GHRH está disponible a granel. podemos hacer una producción personalizada de algún péptido en 0,1 mg,0.5miligramos,1miligramos,2miligramos,5miligramos,10mg/vial si necesita, con cualquier color de tapas abatibles.

Disponible en forma de péptido en polvo y combinación de péptidos de múltiples ingredientes. (la producción personalizada es solo para la cantidad de péptido de ingrediente activo anterior 1 gramo )

Suplementos de culturismo, Péptido liofilizado en botella , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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