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Cómo hacer Equipoise 200 mg por ml de undecilenato de boldenona

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Cómo hacer Equipoise 200 mg/ml : step by step making Equipoise 200mg/ml

Here’s a recipe for making 50ml of 200mg/ml EQ (Undeclianato de Boldenona).

Trabajo de preparación:

  • Limpia el área en la que estás trabajando con alcohol isopropílico y un paño..
  • Ve a lavarte las manos con jabón antibacterial..
  • Configure todos los ingredientes necesarios, para este experimento será el siguiente:

10g Boldenona Undeclynate “Polvo”
7.5ml de benzoato de bencilo
2.5ml de alcohol bencílico
32ml of your favourite Oil
20CC Syringe
12CC Syringe
2 18ga needles, 1 25ga Needle
.45 Sterile Whatman Filter
50ml Sterile Vial
50ml Vial
Electric Scale
Rubbing Alchol/Paper Towels.

Now that all materials are in place, take out scale (i like to calibrate it every use) and put on unsterile 50ml vial on scale and zero out.

Draw up 12ml of Eq using 12ml syringe, make sure there are no airbubbles and plunger is exactly in line with 12ml hatch mark. Now slowly squirt eq into vial until scale says 10.0 grams. For me this is usually exactly 10ml so 1g has 1 mL displacement. Also add the 7.5ml of bb and 2.5ml of ba

Now add 30 of the 32ml of oil into the vial to make total volume of oil/ba/bb/hormone to be 50 ml. Leave the 2ml of oil in syringe for later use. Put rubber stopper into vial aswell as one of the 18ga needles. Boil a pot of hot water and then remove from heat and put vial into pot for 10 minutos, take out after 5 to shake and put back in.

I have a crimper so i crimp another seal on the vial but you could also duct tape it on so that rubber stopper doesn’t come out when upside down when you’re drawing oil out of vial. Here’s what it looks like unfiltered but mixed up.

Now take out sterile 50ml vial and wipe stopper with rubbing alchol. Put 18ga needle and 25ga needle through stopper, and attach whatman filter to the 18ga needle stuck in vial.

Once you’ve filtered all 50ml and vial is totally empty, take the last 2ml you had saved and run it through the filter to get all gear out of it and only leave plain oil in the filter. This is what final product will look like. Notice i left 25ga pin in.

Once you’ve filtered all 50ml and vial is totally empty, take the last 2ml you had saved and run it through the filter to get all gear out of it and only leave plain oil in the filter. This is what final product will look like. Notice i left 25ga pin in.

Now put vial in oven at 200 degrees F, and bakNow that all materials are in place, take outscale (i like to calibrate it every use) and put on unsterile 50ml vial on scale and zero out.e for 15 minutos. Some repeat this step more than once but i never have and not had a problem. There you go, save yourself a ton of cash and MAKE YOUR OWN GEAR!

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