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17a Methyl-1-Testosterone | M-1-T | Methyldihydroboldenone
Details van 17a-methyl-1-testosteron (M1T):
Test: 99.3%
CAS : 58-18-4
EINECS: 200-366-3
Moleculaire formule: C20H30O2
Moleculair gewicht: 302.45
Smeltpunt: 162-168 ° C
Cijfer: Farmaceutische kwaliteit
Opslag: Schaduw, confined preservation
Fabrikant: whsm
Gebruik: kan worden gebruikt als farmaceutisch materiaal voor androgeen- en albumine-assimilatiesteroïden.
Beschrijving van 17a-methyl-1-testosteron (M1T):
M1T is de 5 alpha-verkleinde versie van Dianabol – methandrostenolon – IIRC, so in that respect Dianabol – methandrostenolon – would be more similar to testosterone (structure wise) than M1T which is another ‘step’ away.
M1T is the harshest steroid available on the OTC market. It is much more liver toxic than methyltest and will deliver much more results relevant to bodybuilding than methyltest. The latter is good for aggression and strength.