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Liofilizowany peptyd w butelce

» Hormon Chemiczny » Hormon peptydowy » Liofilizowany peptyd w butelce

BPC 157 Pentadekapeptyd leczący urazy | BPC 157 Peptyd 5 mg

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BPC 157 Healing Injury Pentadecapeptide for Sale

Nazwa produktu Pentadekapeptyd BPC 157
Znany również jako BPC-157, BPC 157
Wygląd White Freeze-Dried Powder or lyophilized Powder
Standard Farmaceutyczny
Czystość Nie niższy niż 98.00%
typ aplikacji Zastrzyk
Formularz dostawy Liofilizowany Proszek W Fiolkach / Czysty surowy proszek bez fiolki

What is BPC 157 ?

BPC-157 is a peptide chain consisting of 15 aminokwasy. It is considered synthetic because this particular sequence does not exist in nature. It is derived from a protective protein found in the stomach.

Researchers have conducted numerous rodent studies on BPC-157 that show it has protective effects extending beyond the stomach and intestinal tract. BPC-157 has been shown to benefit ulcers in the stomach, intestinal damage such as fistulas and inflammatory disorders, bone and joint healing and growth rates, and organ damage. It also has some influences on the brain. Researchers have observed marked protective effects when BPC-157 is administired to rats alongside a research toxin or damaging surgical procedure.

More research is needed to clarify whether BPC-157 has multiple mechanisms of action, but current research suggests BPC-157 influences several growth factors usually involved in angiogenesis (the production of blood vessels) and other factors involved in regeneration following damage.

BPC-157 shows promise, but human studies are needed to demonstrate that these benefits extend beyond research animals.

The majority of studies on BPC-157 are done on rats given injections of the supplement. While BPC-157 is a stable peptide, peptides are a group of compounds that are normally poorly absorbed after oral supplementation, so researchers use injections in rodent studies instead. Furthermore, there is no human evidence for BPC-157 and the majority of the research has been conducted by a single research group. Due to its synthetic nature, there may be legal issues associated with the sale of this supplement in certain regions and it may be banned by some sport organizations.


Peptyd OEM: Dostarczamy hormon peptydowy od lat, Selank 5mg Peptide Nootropic Antianxiety Chemical Anxiolytic Drug. możemy wykonać niestandardową produkcję dla niektórych peptydów w 0,1 mg,0.5mg,1mg,2mg,5mg,10mg/fiolkę, jeśli potrzebujesz, z dowolnym kolorem zakrętek typu filp off.

Dostępna jest postać proszku peptydowego i wieloskładnikowa kombinacja peptydów. (produkcja zindywidualizowana dotyczy tylko ilości peptydu z aktywnym składnikiem powyżej 1 gram )

Liofilizowany peptyd w butelce , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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