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Suplementy kulturystyki

» Materiały farmaceutyczne » Suplementy kulturystyki

CJC 1295 Bez DAC 2 mg | CJC 1295 Brak przetwornika cyfrowo-analogowego | Zmodyfikowany GRF 1-29

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Nazwa produktu CJC 1295
Znany również jako CJC 1295 no DAC,CJC-1295 Without DAC, CJC no DAC, Zmodyfikowany GRF 1-29, Mod GRF (1-29)
Wygląd Liofilizowany biały proszek
Standard Farmaceutyczny
Czystość Nie niższy niż 98.00%
typ aplikacji Zastrzyk
Formularz dostawy Liofilizowany Proszek W Fiolkach / Czysty surowy proszek bez fiolki

What is CJC 1295 (Zmodyfikowany GRF 1-29) ?

CJC-1295 is a peptide hormone that mimics the abilities and effects of GHRH, a naturally occurring hormone in the human body. CJC-1295 is comprised of 29 amino acids that make GHRH; jednakże, unlike the naturally occurring, CJC-1295 only exists by the addition of Drug Affinity Complex or DAC. Without DAC, the GHRH mimicking effect does not exist.

Effects and Benefits of CJC 1295 ?

The effects of CJC-1295 can be extensive if we breakdown each possible effect that is brought on by increased levels of HGH in the body. The primary benefit of increased levels of HGH may be increases in Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 affects nearly every cell in the human body from bone and muscle, lungs, skin and even the central nervous system. HGH and IGF-1 are essential components in the regulation and promotion of healing and recovery as well as in the regulation of the metabolism.

CJC-1295 can be used for any purpose of performance enhancement, although fat loss or recomping may be where it stands out the most. For the off-season athlete looking to pack on more size, CJC-1295 is not a very good choice, at least not when used alone. Although it will promote anabolic activity, the overall anabolism it promotes will not be all that significant. Jednakże, when combined with other performance enhancing drugs, the individual may find he gets more out of them due to the increase in HGH and IGF-1 levels. He should also find that due to a stronger metabolism he is able to stay leaner when bulking than he may have otherwise. This is not a license to eat like a pig; you can still gain fat when using CJC-1295 but you should have an easier time controlling fat gain when the peptide is in play. You may be able to get away with more than you would otherwise, but how much will be genetically dependent.

For cutting purposes, because of the greatly improved metabolism, the individual should find fat loss to be accelerated and more powerful. He should also find healing and recovery amplified, which is tremendously important during a cutting phase as cutting can slow down recovery due to the necessary calorie restriction. Again, other medications that are used during the cutting process should be amplified in terms of their overall effects when CJC-1295 is in play.

CJC-1295 Dose Administration
CJC-1295 is a water base injectable peptide hormone that will come in Lyophillized form. The peptide can be found in numerous dosing strengths from 1mg all the way up to 5mg per vial and even higher in some rare cases depending on the manufacturer. Users will apply bacteriostatic water to the dry CJC-1295 powder in order to mix and draw out the desired dose.

Injections can be performed intramuscularly or subcutaneously. One to two injections per week in equal amounts is sufficient with two equal sized injections such as Monday and Thursday being optimal for maintaining stable and even blood levels. 500-1000mcg per week is the standard dosing range with 500mcg two times per week being optimal for most.

Dostępna jest postać proszku peptydowego i wieloskładnikowa kombinacja peptydów. (produkcja zindywidualizowana dotyczy tylko ilości peptydu z aktywnym składnikiem powyżej 1 gram )

Peptyd OEM: Dostarczamy hormon peptydowy od lat, CJC 1295 W/O DAC 2mg Peptide Hormone Strong Analgesic Morphine Replacement pain killer. możemy wykonać niestandardową produkcję dla niektórych peptydów w 0,1 mg,0.5mg,1mg,2mg,5mg,10mg/fiolkę, jeśli potrzebujesz, z dowolnym kolorem zakrętek typu filp off.

Suplementy kulturystyki, Liofilizowany peptyd w butelce , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

formularz zapytania ( skontaktujemy się z tobą tak szybko, jak to możliwe )


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