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Drostanolon Enanthate Powder Depot Masteron Enanthate Long Ester Steroid

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Drostanolone Enanthate Powder Depot Masteron Enanthate Long Ester For Sale

Drostanolone Enanthate Masteron Enanthate Chemical Data
Nazwa chemiczna: 17beta-Hydroxy-2alpha-methyl-5alpha-androstan-3-one Enanthate
CAS 13425-31-5
Formuła molekularna: C27H44O3
Waga molekularna: 416.64
Wygląd: Biały krystaliczny proszek.

Co jest Masteron Enanthate / Drostanolon Enanthate ?

Masteron Enanthate to wysokiej jakości steryd anaboliczny i doskonały wybór do cyklu cięcia. Jednakże, if we were to rank it next to the Propionate version the Propionate version would win out. This is not because of the effectiveness of the two forms but the Propionate version is easier to control and there is more quality Masteron Propionate on the market.

Unfortunately Masteron (any form) often gets an unappreciated rating by some steroid users but this is because it’s not fully understood. Some steroid users gauge a steroid’s power only by what it can do in terms of adding raw size. If this is the only way you gauge a steroid it’s true Masteron will be disappointing. But if you can understand the importance and benefits outside of bulking that can exists with various steroids the Drostanolone hormone is one that’s in the top 20 if not the top 10.


Masteron Enanthate / Drostanolone Enanthate Bodybuilding Use:

Many bodybuilders combine drostanolone with other anabolic steroids. Drostanolone itself is only weakly anabolic, which is why it is not used alone during bulking cycles. Jednakże, when combined with other anabolic steroids, drostanolone may enhance their effects. Because drostanolone acts as an anti-estrogen through the suppression of estrogen receptors, other aromatizable steroids have less pronounced estrogen-related side effects. Także, drostanolone binds sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) which usually will bind a portion of free sex hormones and steroids, like testosterone, and inactivate them. When drostanolone binds to SHBG, the level of unbound SHBG drops, lowering the chance of it binding to other steroids, which increases their bioavailablilty.

Dodatkowo, drostanolone is also suitable for those following calories restricted regime as it increases strength, reduces recovery periods and improves endurance without weight gain.


Masteron Enanthate / Drostanolon Enanthate Dosage reviews

Skuteczna dawka (mężczyźni):400-600mg/tydzień
Skuteczna dawka (kobiety): 100mg/tydzień
Aktywne życie: 8 dni
Detection time: aż do 3 miesięcy

Most men will dose Masteron (Propionate version) at 300-400mg per week. Because the Enanthate ester is larger than the Propionate ester this means it takes up more space in the total compound. Dosing may need to be adjusted upwards to garner the same amount of active Drostanolone when using the Enanthate version. An increase by 100mg per week should do the trick. Niezależnie od dawki, the total weekly dose may be split into two equal size injections per week, such as one on Monday and one on Thursday. Total use will last anywhere from 6-12 weeks depending on need. Because of the potential for virilization recommended doses of Masteron Enanthate are not provided for women. Propionate versions are the only ones women should consider.

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