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Nandrolon Bez estrów | Steryd w proszku na bazie nandrolonu

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Nandrolon Bez estrów | Nandrolone Base Powder Steroid For Sale

CAS: 434-22-0
Inna nazwa:19-Nortestosteron, 19-Norandrost-4-en-17β-ol-3-on, Norandrostenolone
Formuła molekularna: C18H26O2
Waga molekularna: 274.4
Wygląd: Biały proszek

What is Nandrolone ?

Nandrolon, znany również jako 19-nortestosteron lub 19-norandrostenolon, jest syntetycznym sterydem anaboliczno-androgennym (SAA) pochodzące z testosteronu. Sam lek jest nieaktywny po podaniu doustnym ze względu na brak grupy 17α-alkilowej (which renders it vulnerable to extensive first-pass metabolism) and is not actually employed in medicine. Instead, nandrolone is used in the form of a variety of long-acting prodrug esters (see nandrolone ester) for intramuscular injection, the most common of which are nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Durabolin, Eubolin, Retabolil) oraz, to a lesser extent, nandrolone phenylpropionate (Durabolin, Fenobolina)

Nandrolon Ratio of androgenic and anabolic effects

Nandrolone has a very high ratio of anabolic to androgenic action. Faktycznie, nandrolone-like AAS like nandrolone itself and trenbolone are said to have among the highest ratio of anabolic to androgenic effect of all AAS. This is attributed to the fact that, whereas testosterone is potentiated via conversion into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in androgenic tissues, the opposite is true with nandrolone and similar AAS (tj., other 19-nortestosterone derivatives).

Nandrolone Esters:

The most commonly used esters are nandrolone decanoate and nandrolone phenylpropionate. we also supply Nandrolone Base (Nandrolone No Ester), Cypionian nandrolonu, Undecylan nandrolonu, Laureat Nandrolonu, Nandrolone Propionate Which could be used to make Nandrolone Blend with DECA & elektrownia jądrowa .

Sterydy nandrolonowe , , , , , , , , ,

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