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Nolvadex Surowy proszek Tamoksyfen bez cytrynianu

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Nolvadex Surowy proszek Tamoksyfen bez cytrynianu


Nolvadex or Tamoxifen no Citrate

Tamoxifen Base not Tamoxifen Citrate.
numer CAS: 10540-29-1
Formuła molekularna: C26H29NO
Waga molekularna: 371.51
Numer EINECS: 234-118-0

What is Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) ?

Nolvadex, officially known as Tamoxifen Citrate, was first developed in 1961 by ICI now AstraZeneca under the trade name Nolvadex. The SERM was developed to treat breast cancer, specifically hormone-responsive breast cancer. Jednakże, it has also been effectively used in breast cancer prevention. Then we have anabolic steroid users, and it was long ago discovered that Nolvadex had a place among such individuals. Nolva, as it’s commonly known, can be used as an anti-estrogen during an anabolic steroid cycle in order to prevent estrogenic related side effects. It is also used as part of a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) recovery plan, which is its most common and beneficial point of use for the steroid user.

cytrynian tamoksyfenu (Nolvadex) Kulturystyka Podanie :

Nolvadex is a popular and powerfully effective Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) that is often referred to as an anti-estrogen. Jednakże, while being an antagonist it is also an agonist as it will actually act as estrogen in certain parts of the body while acting as an anti-estrogen in other areas. As one of the oldest SERM’s on the market that is still regularly used medicinally, while Nolvadex is also used by anabolic steroid users it is not an anabolic steroid. This is an important note as some are often confused by its use in steroid cycles. Nolvadex is simply a SERM.

Tamoxifen Citrate is a SERM with both estrogen agonist and antagonist properties. Jako antyestrogen, Nolvadex functions by binding to the estrogen receptors in the place of estrogen. This binding prevents the estrogen hormone from performing its action in certain parts of the body, which is precisely why it’s beneficial to breast cancer patients. Many forms of breast cancer actually feed off estrogen when it attaches to the receptors in the chest. By preventing the attachment in such receptors, this also protects anabolic steroid users from gynecomastia, which can be caused by anabolic steroids that aromatize such as Testosterone, Dianabol, and Nandrolone and Boldenone to a degree. Those who include Nolvadex in the PCT versus those who don’t or who forgo PCT altogether, you will find the Nolvadex user greatly protects his lean tissue. The Nolvadex user will maintain far more muscle tissue and strength. And then we’re left with on cycle protection, and while it’s not the strongest protectant, when we consider the cardiovascular benefit it is one of the most valuable. Many anabolic steroid users regularly worry about water retention, a little acne and things of a visual nature, but protecting our cardiovascular health is truly the most important factor.

cytrynian tamoksyfenu (Nolvadex) przeglądy cykli lub dawek

For the purpose of estrogenic side effect protection during anabolic steroid use, 10-20mg per day is common. If 20mg per day does not protect you from gynecomastia you will need an Aromatase Inhibitor.

For the purpose of PCT, standard Nolvadex doses will normally begin at 40mg per day. The dose will normally hold at 40mg per day for a couple weeks, reduce to 20mg per day for a couple weeks and then finish with an optional week or two at 10mg per day. How your cycle ends will determine when you begin your Nolvadex therapy. If HCG is included, this will also affect the timing.

  1. If your cycle ends with any large ester base anabolic steroids, you will begin Nolvadex 2 weeks after your last injection.
  2. If your cycle ends with all small ester base anabolic steroids, you will begin your Nolvadex 3 days after your last injection.
  3. If your cycle ends with any large ester base anabolic steroids, you will begin HCG ten days after your last injection and begin Nolvadex after HCG therapy is complete.
  4. If your cycle ends with all small ester base anabolic steroids, you will begin HCG 3 days after your last injection and begin Nolvadex after HCG therapy is complete.
Lek przeciwnowotworowy, SERM / antyestrogen , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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