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Proszek parabolanowy | Heksabolan | Węglan heksahydrobenzylu trenbolonu | Tren Hexa

Proszek parabolanowy | Heksabolan | Węglan heksahydrobenzylu trenbolonu | Tren Hexa

Proszek parabolanowy | Heksabolan | Węglan heksahydrobenzylu trenbolonu | Tren Hexa

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Proszek parabolanowy | Heksabolan | Węglan heksahydrobenzylu trenbolonu | Tren Hexa Tri-trenabol 150mg Ingredient

What is Parabolan​ ?
Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (brand name Parabolan, Heksabolan), or trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate, also known as estra-4,9,11-trien-17β-ol-3-one 17β-cyclohexylmethylcarbonate, jest syntetycznym sterydem anaboliczno-androgennym (SAA) of the 19-nortestosterone group and an androgen ester – specifically, the 17β-hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ester of trenbolone – which was marketed in France for human clinical use. It acts as a long-acting prodrug of trenbolone when administered via intramuscular injection.

(Baza trenbolonowa + HexaHydroBencyl Carbonate Ester)
Formuła (baza): C18H22O2
Formuła (ester): C2 H4 O2
Waga molekularna: 312.4078
Waga molekularna (baza): 270.3706
Waga molekularna (ester): 130.1864

Parabolan​ for Bodybuilding use

Parabolan is hands down one of the greatest anabolic steroids of all time. One of the only steroids that could possibly surpass it would be Trenbolone Acetate. While both are comprised of the Trenbolone hormone, it’s often easier to maintain peak and stable blood levels of the hormone with the Acetate version. In either case, you have a fantastic anabolic steroid. Not only is it powerful, its versatile nature simply separates it in a way that most anabolic steroids could never dream.

For quality off-season gains this steroid is hard to beat. For the hardcore individual, rotations of Parabolan and Deca Durabolin along with testosterone can be a great off-season stack. For the competitive bodybuilder, while the average man is welcome to cut without it the competitor better have this or some Trenbolone form in his bag. For the competitor, Parabolan and Trenbolone compounds are indispensable.

Trenbolon Estry:
Najczęściej stosowanymi estrami są Trenbolon Acetate i Trenbolone Enanthate. dostarczamy również bazę trenbolonową (Nieester trenbolonu), Heksahydrobenzylowęglan trenbolonu, który można wykorzystać do wytworzenia mieszanki Tren, takie jak Tri Trenabol 150mg, Tri-Ten 180mg.

Parabolan​ Dose or Cycle reviews:

Skuteczna dawka (Mężczyźni): 300-500mg/tydzień
Skuteczna dawka (Kobiety): Niepolecane
Aktywne życie: 5-7 dni
Czas wykrywania: 4-5 tygodnie

Parabolan is an anabolic steroid that carries a concentrated strength that is a bit unique. One milliliter carries 76mg of Parabolan. This gives you 50mg of active Trenbolone per milliliter. W warunkach terapeutycznych, Parabolan was commonly administered 3 times per month or one milliliter every 10 dni. For the purpose of performance enhancement, 3-4 milliliter per week is very commonplace and should produce significant results. Higher doses can be attempted, perhaps 5-6 milliliter per week and it’s not uncommon. Jednakże, many will find 3-4 per week to be all they need.

Niezależnie od dawki całkowitej, 8-10 weeks of use is standard. This does not mean the total cycle of anabolic steroids is 8-10 weeks but represents the Parabolan portion of the plan. Parabolan will also stack very well with most anabolic steroids. Simply choose the steroids that fit your needs best for that particular cycle. Such plans might include Masteron and Winstrol during the cutting phase along with adequate testosterone. During the bulking phase larger amounts of testosterone will work in harmony with Trenbolone with the possible addition of Anadrol or Dianabol.

Badania chemiczne, Proszek Trenbolonu , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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