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PEG MGF | Pegylowany peptyd kulturystyczny czynnika wzrostu Mechano

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PEG MGF | Pegylated Mechano Growth Factor Bodybuilding Peptide for sale

Nazwa produktu PEG MGF
Znany również jako Pegylated Mechano Growth Factor, Pegylated MGF
Wygląd Liofilizowany biały proszek
Standard Farmaceutyczny
Czystość Nie niższy niż 95.00%
typ aplikacji Zastrzyk
Formularz dostawy Liofilizowany Proszek W Fiolkach / Czysty surowy proszek bez fiolki


What is PEG MGF?

Pegylated Mechano Growth Factor (PEG MGF) is a variant of the IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1), which stimulates myoblasts division and allows for muscle fibers to fuse and mature. This is a process required for growth of adult muscle. The difference between IGF-1 and MGF is that MGF stimulate myoblasts division through stimulation of different receptors.

At early stages, the use of MGF was limited because, once in the body, this drug broke down within a few minutes. But the scientists found an easy and brilliant decision, which was pegylation. A MGF molecule was attached to a polyethylene glycol molecule, which acts as a protective coating and allows MGF to be carried through the blood stream without being broken down without loosing its bioactivity and efficiency.

Pegylated MGF is more bioavailable. Injected 2-3 times per week, it maintains effective concentration for a long period.

In bodybuilding this drug is used to accelerate muscle growth. Other effects of the drug include decrease of fat mass of the body, endurance increase, improvement of immune defense and skin, bone strengthening, lowering of cholesterol level, accelerated recovery. Those who administered MGF declared that they experienced no side effects, which frequently occur with the use of other drugs for gaining body mass.

PEG MGF Dosage regimen:

The average dose is 1000 mcg per 24 godziny; the frequency is 2-3 times per week. The drug is injected subcutaneously 1-2 hours before training to imitate physiologic secretion. The cycle duration is 5-6 tygodnie.


Peptyd OEM: Dostarczamy hormon peptydowy od lat, PEG MGF | Pegylated Mechano Growth Factor Bodybuilding Peptide for sale. możemy wykonać niestandardową produkcję dla niektórych peptydów w 0,1 mg,0.5mg,1mg,2mg,5mg,10mg/fiolkę, jeśli potrzebujesz, z dowolnym kolorem zakrętek typu filp off.

Dostępna jest postać proszku peptydowego i wieloskładnikowa kombinacja peptydów. (produkcja zindywidualizowana dotyczy tylko ilości peptydu z aktywnym składnikiem powyżej 1 gram )

Suplementy kulturystyki, Liofilizowany peptyd w butelce , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

formularz zapytania ( skontaktujemy się z tobą tak szybko, jak to możliwe )


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