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Selank Peptyd Nootropowy lek przeciwlękowy chemiczny lek przeciwlękowy

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Selank Peptide Nootropic Antianxiety Chemical Anxiolytic Drug For Sale

Nazwa produktu Selank
Wygląd White Freeze-Dried Powder or lyophilized Powder
Standard Farmaceutyczny
Czystość Nie niższy niż 98.00%
typ aplikacji Zastrzyk
Formularz dostawy Liofilizowany Proszek W Fiolkach / Czysty surowy proszek bez fiolki


What is Selank ?

Selank (Russian: Cеланк) is a nootropic, anxiolytic peptide based drug developed by the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian academy of sciences. Selank is a heptapeptide with the sequence Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro. It is a synthetic analogue of a human tetrapeptide tuftsin.


Selank Pharmacology

Selank is a synthetic analogue of the immunomodulatory peptide tuftsin; as such, it mimics many of its effects. It has been shown to modulate the expression of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and affect the balance of T helper cell cytokines. It is has been shown to influence the concentration of monoamine neurotransmitters and induce metabolism of serotonin. There is evidence that it may also modulate the expression of Brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) in rats.


Selank Clinical trials

In clinical trials, the drug has shown to provide a sustained nootropic and anxioytic effect, which is useful for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Selank has an advantage over traditional anxiety treatments, such as benzodiazepines, as it has no sedating or cognitive side effects and no associated addiction or withdrawal syndrome. Selank also has very low toxicity with an overdose proving harmless even up to 500 times the effective dose. When released, the drug will be used as a 0.15% aqueous solution which is applied to the nasal mucosa in drops. It is thought that this is the best method for absorbing peptide based drugs. The drug can be used to suppress feelings of fear and anxiety in people with anxiety disorders and to stimulate learning and memory in healthy people.


Peptyd OEM: Dostarczamy hormon peptydowy od lat, Selank 5mg Peptide Nootropic Antianxiety Chemical Anxiolytic Drug. możemy wykonać niestandardową produkcję dla niektórych peptydów w 0,1 mg,0.5mg,1mg,2mg,5mg,10mg/fiolkę, jeśli potrzebujesz, z dowolnym kolorem zakrętek typu filp off.

Dostępna jest postać proszku peptydowego i wieloskładnikowa kombinacja peptydów. (produkcja zindywidualizowana dotyczy tylko ilości peptydu z aktywnym składnikiem powyżej 1 gram )

Leki przeciwlękowe, Liofilizowany peptyd w butelce, Medycyna nootropowa , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

formularz zapytania ( skontaktujemy się z tobą tak szybko, jak to możliwe )


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