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Boldenone Esteróides

» Pó de esteróide bruto » Boldenone Esteróides

Boldenone Acetate | Short Ester Equipoise Powder Steroid



  • Especificações

Boldenone Acetate | Short Ester Equipoise Powder Steroid For Sale

Nome do Produto:Boldenone Acetate
Nº CAS.:2363-59-9
Fórmula molecular:C21H28O3
Peso molecular:328.45
Aparência:Pó cristalino branco
Nota:Pharmceutical Grade

Boldenone Acetate raw steroid powder Certificate Of Analysis items Data

Descrição Pó branco.
Testes Padrão de Análise Resultados
Identificação Conforme Conforme
Heavy metals ≤10ppm Conforme
Rotação específica ≤-58° Conforme
Chromatography Purity Conforme Conforme
Ponto de fusão 148 ~ 155ºC 149~153ºC
Organic Volatile Impurities Conforme Conforme
Perda ao secar ≤0,5% 0.15%
Resíduo na Ignição 0.1%máx. 0.06%
Ensaio 98.0%min 99.18%

Boldenone Acetate Uses:

Like all anabolic steroids, boldenone acetate does have a tendency to cause a rise in red blood cell count, so it is a good idea to run such cycle-support supplements , as well as give blood before and after cycle to help thin out blood in the body.

Boldenone Acetate would be more intense to raises red blood cells, increasing the appetite, repairs connective tissue which is also a huge plus for bodybuilders during training.And some users report having changes in appetite, making them crave certain foods, or wake up at night hungry. Its side effects, such as increased aggression, acne, oily skin and hair loss, can be increased or sped up on this compound. Therefore, women should be especially careful if they want to use it, and use this steroid only at very low dosages.

Like all anabolic steroids, boldenone acetate will suppress the HPTA, so a full post cycle therapy (PCT) is needed. A good example of a proper PCT is the perfect PCT, which you should definitely check out.

Boldenone Esteróides , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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