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Inibidor de Aromasin API Aromatase do pó de Exemestano para o usuário esteroide PCT

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Exemestane Powder Aromasin API Aromatase Inhibitor For Sale

What is Aromasin (Exemestano) ?

Exemestane is a steroidal Aromatase Inhibitor (IA) that is most commonly known as Aromasin. Na verdade, the Aromasin brand name is the only pharmaceutical grade brand of the Exemestane AI due to the tight patent Upjohn has maintained on the product. While tightly controlled by the pharmaceutical giant, Aromasin is available in numerous countries around the globe.

Aromasin was first released on the U.S. market in 2000 after shortly gaining FDA approval a few months prior in 1999. The primary purpose of use as with most AI’s would be to combat breast cancer in post-menopausal women. Shortly after, the AI would begin to gain a lot of popularity among anabolic steroid users for its ability to protect against estrogenic related side effects. This action is very similar to the older and more popular AI’s in Arimidex (Anastrozole) and Femara (Letrozol). It would also gain a fair amount of popularity in Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plans among steroid users. It was not the first AI to gain such popularity but would prove to be a little more advantageous for this purpose than most AI’s.

Aromasin Raw Powder Basic Info:


CAS : 107868-30-4
Fórmula molecular: C20H24O2
Peso molecular: 296.4

Aparência: Pó cristalino branco

Aromasin (Exemestano) musculação Inscrição :

Many anabolic steroids have the ability to increase estrogen levels due to the aromatase process, specifically the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This can lead to gynecomastia and water retention. Excess water retention can also promote high blood pressure when it becomes severe. Steroids that do not carry a strong estrogenic nature can also cause these effects, most notably gynecomastia if they carry a progestin nature. A prime example would be Nandrolone, which while it aromatizes only does so at 20% the rate of testosterone. No entanto, it also carries a strong progestin nature, and progesterone has been well noted for carrying the ability to stimulate the estrogenic mechanism in the mammary tissue. By administering Aromasin during the use of anabolic steroids, this will inhibit the aromatase process, lower estrogen levels and protect the individual from estrogenic side effects. Aromasin is officially classified as a steroidal suicide Aromatase Inhibitor, and carries the ability to inhibit the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for the production or conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Aromasin has the ability to block aromatization, which in turn inhibits the production of estrogen.

Aromasin (Exemestano) revisões de ciclo ou dose:

In a therapeutic setting to treat breast cancer, Aromasin is only used after Nolvadex has failed. This is normally after 2-3 years of Nolvadex therapy. From here Aromasin is given to the patient at a dose of 25mg per day, which will normally last another 2-3 years or until the cancer’s progression has come to a halt. This is normally followed by more Nolvadex therapy in an effort to halt the cancer from returning. This is a highly successful plan in the fight against breast cancer.

Em um ambiente de desempenho, standard Aromasin doses will normally be 12.5-25mg every other day. Most should be fine with 12.5mg every other day, with some getting by with only two to three doses per week. The individual’s total sensitivity and the composition of the steroid in cycle in question will dictate the final outcome. There will be, Contudo, some who require a daily dose with as much as 25mg per day. This should be short lived and only continued as long as necessary due to the possible cholesterol issues. This type of use can prove very useful for the competitive bodybuilder 7-14 days leading up to the completion in an effort to come in as dry and hard as possible. But again, this full dose use is only used for a limited time.

Aromasin is an extremely powerful and valuable AI. We cannot necessarily call it more valuable than the more traditional AI’s, but it is useful. No fim, you may have to try varying AI’s at different times to find which one works best for you.

Aromasin (Exemestanne acetate) is one of those weird compounds that nobody really knows what to do with. It’s a third generation Aromatase Inhibitor (IA) just like Arimidex and Femera .
the third generation aromatase inhibitors, used in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer and used as aid in the treatment of early breast cancer.
1. Aromasin is one of the most powerful estrogen suppressing compounds.
2. Aromasin is one of the best compounds to lower the aromatizing effect of steroids.
3. Aromasin is available for body builders taking anabolic steroids.
4. Aromasin is also known as .
5. It acts by blocking the enzyme aromatase, subsequently blocking the production of estrogen.
6. Aromasin is also a kind of .antineoplastic (hormonal) raw materials.

About Aromasin (Exemestano)
The main source of estrogen is the ovaries in premenopausal women, while in post-menopausal women most of the body’s estrogen is produced via the conversion of androgens into estrogen by the aromatase enzyme in the peripheral tissues (i.e. adipose tissue like that of the breast) and a number of sites in the brain.Exemestane Attention:

Estrogen is produced locally via the actions of the aromatase enzyme in these peripheral tissues where it acts locally.

Any circulating estrogen in post-menopausal women as well as men is the result of estrogen escaping local metabolism and entering the circulatory system.

Exemestane is an irreversible, steroidal aromatase inactivator, structurally related to the natural substrate androstenedione.

It acts as a false substrate for the aromatase enzyme, and is processed to an intermediate that binds irreversibly to the active site of the enzyme causing its inactivation, an effect also known assuicide inhibition.

By being structurally similar to enzyme targets, Exemestane permanently binds to the enzymes, preventing them from converting androgen into estrogen.

Exemestane is taken in tablet form once a day. Patients can experience side effects like nausea, anxiety, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, bone pain, and chest pain.

Side effects vary widely between patients and patients should report the side effects they experience to their doctors, as some may be indicators of dangerous complications. Shortness of breath and chest pain in particular are causes for concern in patients taking exemestane.

Aromasin is one of the most powerful estrogen suppressing compounds available for body builders taking anabolic steroids. Additionally, it also raises testosterone in the body, which is a bonus for bodybuilders during post-cycle-therapy.

Aromasin (Exemestano) is one of those weird compounds that nobody really knows what to do with. It’s a third generation Aromatase Inhibitor (IA) just like Arimidex (Anastrozole) and Femera (Letrozol).

Aromasin (Exemestane acetate) is a drug used to treat breast cancer. It is a member of the class of drugs known asaromatase inhibitors. Some breast cancers require estrogen to grow.

droga anticancerígena, Inibidor de aromatase (IA) , , , , , , , , , ,

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