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Halodrol Benefits

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Halodrol em pó CDMA clorodehidrometilandrostenediol esteroide

Muscle Building Prohormone Halodrol Powder Raws For Sale 1. Halodrol (Chlorodehydromethylandrostenediol-CDMA) is a derivative. Halodrol bears a striking structural resemblance to another anabolic steroid known as Turinabol (Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone). Often referred to as Oral Turinabol, T-bol or OT 2. Halodrol (H-Drol) is the best prohormone that produces noticable gains within 6 weeks of use. The active ingredient 4-Chloro-17a-Methyl-Androst-1,4-Diene-3-17b-Diol contained in Halodrol