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DSIP Порошковый пептид Форма DSIP API

ДСИП 99% КАС: 103222-11-3 For Male Growth and Development ,Мышечный рост,потеря веса,sleep improving.

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DSIP Powder Peptide DSIP API Form Supplier

DSIP Powder | Delta sleep-inducing peptide | ДСИП API

DSIP Peptide Description
China Lab Raw Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide Dsip

Delta sleep-inducing peptide(ДСИП)
КАС: 62568-57-4
Формула: C35H48N10O15
Молекулярный вес: 848.81
Чистота: 99.0%мин
вид: Белый порошок
Место происхождения: Китай
Метод анализа: ВЭЖХ
Место хранения: Лиофилизированные пептиды, хотя и стабильны при комнатной температуре в течение 3 месяцы, следует хранить в сухом виде при температуре ниже -18°C.. После восстановления пептида его следует хранить при температуре 4°C между 2-21 дней и для дальнейшего использования при температуре ниже -18°C..

DSIP Peptide Description:

Delta sleep-inducing peptide, abbreviated DSIP, is a neuropeptide that when infused into the mesodiencephalic ventricle of recipient rabbits induces spindle and delta EEG activity and reduced motor activities.

Delta sleep-inducing peptide was first discovered in 1974 by the Swiss Schoenenberger-Monnier group who isolated it from the cerebral venous blood of rabbits in an induced state of sleep. It was primarily believed to be involved in sleep regulation due to its apparent ability to induce slow-wave sleep in rabbits, but studies on the subject have been contradictory.

DSIP is an amphiphilic peptide of molecular weight 850 daltons with the amino acid motif.It has been found in both free and bound forms in the hypothalamus, limbic system and pituitary as well as various peripheral organs, tissues and body fluids. In the pituitary it co-localises with many peptide and non-peptide mediators such as corticotropin-like intermediate peptide (CLIP), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and melanin concentrating hormone (MCH). It is abundant in the gut secretory cells and in the pancreas where it co-localises with glucagon.

DSIP Peptide Applications:

Delta sleep-inducing peptide, abbreviated DSIP, is a neuropeptide that when infused into the mesodiencephalic ventricle of recipient rabbits induces spindle and delta EEG activity and reduced motor activities.

Many roles for DSIP have been suggested following research carried out using peptide analogues with a greater molecular stability and through measuring DSIP-like immunological (DSIP-LI) response by injecting DSIP antiserum and antibodies.


Категорий и TAGS:
Пептид в виде порошка, Химическое исследование, Спящий дружественный наркотик , , , , , , , ,

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