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GHRP-6 Порошковая форма пептида, высвобождающего гормон роста 6 API пыль

Injectable Human (Growth) Peptide Hormone Ghrp-6 for Muscle Gaining, Weight Loss and Anti-aging.

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GHRP-6 Порошковая форма пептида, высвобождающего гормон роста 6 API Dust For Sale

GHRP-6 Peptide Description

Ghrp-6 Product Name;ГХРП-6
Ghrp-6 Chemical Name;Growth hormon releasing peptide-6
Ghrp-6 CAS Number;87616-84-0
Ghrp-6 Molecular Formula;C46H56N12O6
Ghrp-6 Molecular Weight; 873.01
Ghrp-6 Assay;99.5%
Ghrp-6 Appearance; белый порошок

GHRP-2 and Ipamorelin are all very similar in their modes of action, they work to increase GHRP-2 (ГХ) levels in the human body by increasing secretion of the hormone Ghrelin. On a milligram for milligram basis they are all fairly equal in their ability to increase GH levels in the human body, with GHRP-2 being slightly more efficient.

The major differences between the 3 GHRP peptides lays in their side effects. GHRP-6 causes a significant increase in hunger for many, therefore making it good for people looking tobulkbut no so good for those trying to lose fat. GHRP-2 is often preferred for people dieting as it does not stimulate hunger, however it does raise cortisol (a stress hormone), пролактин (a hormone which can diminish sex drive) and aldosterone (a hormone which promotes water retention) more than GHRP-6 and Ipamorelin. Ipamorelin is similar to GHRP-6 in that it causes an increase in hunger (but it’s not as dramatic as GHRP-6). Однако, since it does not raise cortisol, prolactin or aldosterone at recommended dosages it is a preferred choice for those who are sensitive to these hormones.

GHRP-6 Effect

The benefits of GHRP-6 are extremely appealing to many types of athletes, and those looking to improve their general well being.

GHRP-6 can help protect the body’s muscles by boosting recovery and protein synthesis. What’s more, it has also been shown to effectively fight inflammation.

Конечно, we all want more muscle, and this compound will help increase muscle mass and development.

This is probably the reason people pony up the cash for GHRP-6, and it works great at aiding fat loss, which makes it a very good option for recomping or cutting.

The benefits of GHRP-6 are much more pronounced in those who are already in shape and conditioned. Поэтому, if you are obese, or completely out of shape, then it is best to work on your conditioning first before using GHRP-6. Тем временем, those that are in top shape, will benefit the most from this compound, as it is the icing on the cake.

GHRP-6 Dosage

GHRP-6 is a water based injectable that you will have to mix with bac water, and store. Remember, it is important to store GHRP-6 correctly after mixing itin the fridge. It should be good for up to 3-4 недели, so only mix what you plan on using during that time frame.

After you carefully mix it, this compound is typically injected subcutan

eously with a slin pin. For best results, it must be taken daily, and users will typically do several injections per day in order to space it out. Interestingly, GHRP-6 works best if you take it when blood sugar levels are low, and you should not eat anything for an hour after using it.

If used solo, users will run 100-400 micrograms (mcg) per injection, and if stacked with another GH hormone, dosages can be cut in half.

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