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Меланотан-II 10 мг МТ II | Меланотан-2 МТ-2 для загара кожи Жесткость эрекции

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Меланотан-II 10 мг МТ II | Melanotan-2 MT-2 for Skin Tanning Erection Hardness is on sales

наименование товара Melanotan-II
Также известный как Melanotan-2, MT-2,MT II
вид Лиофилизированный белый порошок
Стандарт Фармацевтическая
Чистота Не ниже 98.00%
Тип приложения Инъекция
Предоставление формы Лиофилизированный порошок во флаконах / Чистый сырой порошок без флакона

What is Melanotan-II

Меланотан II (PT-14) is a synthetic analogue of the peptide hormone α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-МСГ). Melanotan II is a synthetic analog pituitary derived Melanocortin. The peptide is primarily known for its ability to help with tanning but is also used to aid in erectile function. Меланотан II, also referred to as MT-2, has no use of significance beyond tanning and erectile function.

Melanotan-2 (Melanotan-II) Преимущества

Меланотан II (MT-2) functions by stimulating the alpha-MSH receptor. This is a receptor that produces melanin, which aids in the darkening of skin pigmentation. Because of this action, the individual will tan easier and darker than he would without the use of MT-2.

There are several alpha-MSH receptors in the body. Melanotan II functions by stimulating the MC1-5 receptor. Stimulation of this receptor promotes darkening of the skin. MT-2 also stimulates the MC4 receptor, which acts to increase penile erectile function.

Melanotan-2 (Melanotan-II) Последствия
The effects of Melanotan two revolve around nothing more than tanning and possible erectile dysfunction relief. A darker and deeper tan may be noticed in a few days (assuming one is also tanning) and should produce notable results in a few weeks. The longer one uses MT-2 the darker he will get.

The effects of Melanotan II on erectile dysfunction take approximately 4-6 hours to take effect and should last 6-12 hours depending on individual response. Timing is important if used for this purpose. Однако, there are those that run small daily to every other day doses in order to provide a maintenance relief, but this can prove problematic to the skin if not careful.

Melanotan II Dose Administration
Melanotan II is provided in freeze-dried (лиофилизированный) form and reconstituted with bacteriostatic water. MT-2 may be injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly with subcutaneous being the most common and convenient. Melanotan II should be kept refrigerated at all times, and should be discarded in 30 days after reconstitution.

Melanotan II is typically taken at a dose of 0.5-2mg per day with 0.5-1mg being enough for most individuals who use it for tanning purposes. The same 0.5-1mg dosing is sufficient for erectile dysfunction treatment.

Пептид OEM: Мы поставляем пептидный гормон в течение многих лет, Меланотан-II 10 мг МТ II | Melanotan-2 MT-2 for Skin Tanning for sale. мы можем сделать индивидуальное производство для некоторых пептидов в 0,1 мг,0.5мг,1мг,2мг,5мг,10мг/флакон, если вам нужно, с любым цветом откидных крышек.

Доступна форма пептидного порошка и многокомпонентная пептидная комбинация.. (индивидуальное производство предназначено только для количества пептида активного ингредиента выше 1 грамм )

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Лиофилизированный пептид во флаконе, Улучшение секса, Фармацевтика по уходу за кожей , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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