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PT-141 Пептид бремеланотида | Брмеланотис IPT-141 Повышение либидо

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PT-141 Пептид бремеланотида | Brmelanotice IPT-141 Increase Libido is on sale

наименование товара брмеланотице ацетат
Также известный как брмеланотице ацетат, ПТ 141, ПТ-141, Бремеланотид, IPT-141
вид Лиофилизированный белый порошок
Стандарт Фармацевтическая
Чистота Не ниже 98.00%
Тип приложения Инъекция
Предоставление формы Лиофилизированный порошок во флаконах / Чистый сырой порошок без флакона

What is Brmelanotice (PT141) ?
ПТ-141, sometimes referred to as IPT-141 and most recently under the name Bremelanotide is a peptide hormone that derived from Melanotan II. Меланотан II (MT2) was developed for the purpose of promoting tanning, but more than 90% of all subjects during testing were found to have increases in libido, performance and sexual satisfaction. These effects held true in both men and women tests subjects with the enhanced effect of male erection function being the most surprising.

PT-141 Brmelanotice Benefits & Последствия

PT-141 is a peptide hormone of the synthetic class based on the alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH). IPT-141 binds at the melanocortin receptors, which are found to directly affect the area of the central nervous system (CNS). The effect on the CNS has been shown to greatly increase libido in men and women, as well as sensitivity and satisfaction. It also appears to have a positive effect on erectile dysfunction (ЭД). Однако, ED that is caused by blood flow issues may not be improved with this peptide, but IPT-141 seems to have a stronger impact on erections when their lack of quality is based on other factors. Researchers then isolated the part of MT2 that caused this effect and developed the peptide IPT-141, Бремеланотид. Palatin Technologies, the original patent holders of Bremelanotide have stated the effects of IPT-141 on sexually related effects are approximately 50 times greater than MT2.

PT-141 Injection

IPT-141 will be found in freeze-dried form and is to be reconstituted using bacteriostatic water. The peptide can be injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously depending on user preference.

Пептид OEM: Мы поставляем пептидный гормон в течение многих лет, PT-141 Пептид бремеланотида | Brmelanotice IPT-141 Increase Libido is on sale. мы можем сделать индивидуальное производство для некоторых пептидов в 0,1 мг,0.5мг,1мг,2мг,5мг,10мг/флакон, если вам нужно, с любым цветом откидных крышек.

Доступна форма пептидного порошка и многокомпонентная пептидная комбинация.. (индивидуальное производство предназначено только для количества пептида активного ингредиента выше 1 грамм )

Категорий и TAGS:
Лиофилизированный пептид во флаконе, Улучшение секса , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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