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Тестолент Тестостерон Фенилпропионат Порошок Стероиды Сырья

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Тестолент Тестостерон Фенилпропионат Порошок Стероиды Сырья

Testosterone Phenylpropionate Basic info:

наименование товара Testosterone Phenylpropionate Powder
Регистрационный номер CAS 1255-49-8
Einecs Нет. 215-014-4
Молекулярная формула C28H36O3
Молекулярная масса 420.59
Чистота 99%
Оценка Фармацевтический класс
вид белый кристаллический порошок


Testosterone Phenylpropionate Description:

  1. Testosterone Phenylpropionate is a steroid hormone from the androgen and is found in mammals and other vertebrates, testosterone Phenylpropionate is primarily secreted in the tests of mails and the ovaries of female, хотя небольшое количество также секретируется надпочечниками, testosterone Phenylpropionate is the principle male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid.
  1. Testosterone phenylpropionate represent a short-acting ester characterized by both anabolic and androgenic properties. Its active life is 4-5 day although detection time is about 3 месяцы. Testosterone phenylpropionate is not so popular between bodybuilders/athletes as other testosterone ester because many think that it is not so efficient.
  1. Most sportsmen want quick results, but this drug need some patience. By using testosterone phenylpropionate correctly the results will be excellent. A positive characteristic that bodybuilders should know about this stuff is that side effects such water retention appears very seldom.
  2. Also by taking testosterone phenylpropionate athletes report increase of appetite, aggressiveness and strength.
  3. In general by using this kind of testosterone in right way the effects are similar to other testosterone ester but it doesn’t require very frequent injections, and doesn’t cause water retention.


Тестостерон Фенилпропионат COA Specification Data ;

Тестовые задания Технические характеристики Результаты теста
вид Белый или почти белый кристаллический порошок белый порошок
Убыток от высыхания <=0.5% 0.24%
Оптическое вращение +86°~+91° 88.5°
Температура плавления 112~117°C 114-116°С
(ВЭЖХ)анализ 97-103.0% 98.81%
Free acid 0.5%Максимум 0.21%
Вывод The aboye product conforms analysis standard Соответствовать


Testosterone Phenylpropionate Use:

Testosterone Phenylpropionate plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissue such as the testis and prostates.

Кроме того, testosterone cypionate is essential for health and well-being as well as the prevention of osteoporosis, testosterone phenylpropionate is conserved through most vertebrates, although fish make a slightly difference from called 11-keto testosterone.

Testosterone-Phenylpropionate has the shortest duration of all testosterone esters with the exception of Testosterone-Propionate, and this is the reason it has been branded ineffective.

With a 3 к 4 day duration in the body, it prevents water retention in the muscles of the body more easily than large ester version; a very desirable effect at that. After the use of Testosterone-Phenylpropionate the effects start showing in a snap.

In this little time, an athlete will feel aggressive and stronger. He will have an increased appetite; no wonder the use of Testosterone-Phenylpropionate to treat people with muscle wasting ailments.


Testosterone phenylpropionate Stacking

Testosterone phenylpropionate stacks well with other compounds. In order to increase the density and the mass of muscles it is recommended to be combining with dieting and exercising. A good drug to be combined especially in cutting cycles is Nandrolone phenylpropionate.


Testosterone phenylpropionate dosage

Most bodybuilders/athletes administered testosterone phenyl propionate twice a week or every two other days. The preferable dose for male is 300mg- 1000mg/ week.

Female sportsmen are not recommended to use this drug because of side effects that may occur.
The side effects of testosterone phenyl propionate are less than all the testosterone esters, here are some of them: virilization, increased body/facial hair.

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