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Testosterone Undecanoate Steroid Powder For Sale Andriol Nebido Testosterone Replacement Therapy Use

Testosterone Undecanoate
Also known as andriol, Nebido
КАС №: 5949-44-0
Молекулярная формула: C30H48O3
Молекулярный вес: 456.7
Анализы: 98.5% МИН
вид: White Or almost White Crystalline Powder
Применение: Male hormone, for male sexual dysfunction, aplastic anemia

Testosterone Undecanoate Function:
Enhanced Nitrogen Retention
Enhanced Protein Synthesis
Increased IGF-1 Production
Increased Red Blood Cell Count
Decreased Levels of Glucocorticoids

Testosterone Undecanoate Use:
Nebido is an extremely large/long ester base testosterone compound that is primarily used in the treatment of low testosterone. Comprised of Testosterone Undecanoate, this is the same hormone and ester used in the anabolic steroid Andriol, an oral testosterone capsule. Однако, Nebido is an injectable testosterone hormone and carries a much longer activity time post administration.

Although primarily viewed as a testosterone compound for the treatment of low testosterone, Nebido can be used for performance enhancing purposes. Однако, it is not all that common among athletes and gym rats due to its very slow acting nature. Results could easily be obtained with this compound similar to the more popular testosterones in Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate. Однако, due to the very slow activity, Nebido wont be well-suited for most performance based plans.

Testosterone Undecanoate обзор цикла или дозы
Эффективная доза (Мужчины): 1,000mg every 4wks
Эффективная доза (Женщины): Не рекомендуется
Период полураспада: Приблизительно. 3 месяцы
Время обнаружения: Приблизительно. 6 месяцы
В настройке производительности, most will need approximately 1,000mg every 2-4 weeks to see desired results. Однако, Nebido truly isnt a compound well-suited for most performance plans and there are better options available.

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