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Testosterone Powder

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Testosterone Cypionate Powder Testosterone Long Ester Depot Steroid

  • Specifications

Testosterone Cypionate Powder Testosterone Long Ester Depot Steroid Manufacturer Sales

Testosterone Cypionate Profile

Testosterone base + cypionate ester
Molecular  Formula: C27 H40 O3
Molecular Weight: 412.6112
Melting Point (base): 155 °C
Melting Point (ester): 98 – 104 °C

What is Testosterone Cypionate ? 

Testosterone cypionate (brand names Depo-Testosterone, many others), or testosterone cipionate, also known as testosterone cyclopentylpropionate or testosterone cyclopentanepropionate, is an androgen and anabolic steroid and a testosterone ester. Along with testosterone enanthate, testosterone propionate, and testosterone undecanoate, it is one of the most widely used testosterone esters


Testosterone Cypionate Bodybuilding Use :

Testosterone Propionate is an excellent anabolic steroid. As a testosterone compound it is highly versatile, tremendously beneficial and well-tolerated by most all adult men. When we consider the affordable price of Testosterone Propionate, this only enhances its appeal even more. a pharmaceutical material, Steroid hormone, Anabolin, bodybuilding steroid , muscle gain supplements . Male hormone drugs for male sexual dysfunction, aplastic anemia.

How does Testosterone Cypionate Build Muscle ?

Testosterone Cypionate is a highly anabolic and androgenic hormone making it a great steroid to use if one is in pursuit of more size and strength. Testosterone Cypionate promotes nitrogen retention in the muscle and the more nitrogen the muscles hold the more protein the muscles store. Testosterone Cypionate can also increase the levels of another anabolic hormone, IGF-1 in muscle tissue providing even more anabolic activity. Testosterone Cypionate also has the amazing ability to increase the activity of satellite cells. These cells play an active role in repairing damaged muscle. Testosterone also binds to the androgen receptor to promote androgen receptor dependent mechanisms for muscle gain and fat loss.

Testosterone Cypionate cycle or dose reviews

Effective Dose (Men): 300-2000 mg+/week
Effective Dose (Women): Not Recommended
Half-Life: 15-16 Days
Detection Time: 3 Months

For performance enhancement, one injection per week is often enough; however, in many cases two smaller yet equal sized injections will prove to be far more efficient. The reason for multiple injections is to keep blood levels peaked. As for the actual performance doses, this can range anywhere from 200mg per week all the way to 1000mg per week depending on needs and desires.The typical dose for those who are using Cypionate to counteract the lowering of testosterone due to the use of other steroids is normally 200mg. If it is being used for direct performance purposes, most will find 400mg to 600mg per week will be effective, but it is important to note that higher doses will greatly increase the risk

Testosterone Powder , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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