Legit China Steroid Supplier

Testosterone Powder

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Testosterone Enanthate Powder Test E Quality Raws Source

  • Specifications


What is Testosterone enanthate ?

Testosterone enanthate (brand names Delatestryl, Testostroval, Testro LA, Andro LA, Durathate, Everone, Testrin, Andropository), or testosterone heptanoate, is an androgen and anabolic steroid and a testosterone ester. Along with testosterone cypionate and testosterone propionate, it is one of the most widely used testosterone esters. Testosterone enanthate was first introduced in 1952. Administered via intramuscular injection, it is the most widely used form of testosterone in androgen replacement therapy.
Testosterone enanthate has an elimination half-life of 4.5 days and a mean residence time of 8.5 days when used as a depot intramuscular injection. It requires frequent administration of approximately once per week.

Testosterone Enanthate
Molecular formula: C26H40O3
Molecular weight: 400.59
CAS No:315-37-7

We supply Quality Testosterone Enanthate raw powder form and ready liquid steroid form both .


Testosterone enanthate Bodybuilding Application :

Testosterone enanthate best popular steroid hormone, Pharmaceutical material ,Clinically for the treatment of male sexual function decline, aplastic anemia and other illnesses .As a male hormone and anabolic hormones. Bodybuilder , Sport Player, Muscle Building Humans , GYM, Fitness Club, Pharm Company, Pharm Lab. Testosterone Enanthate is one of the most commonly used testosterones for the treatment of low testosterone. It is also extremely popular in performance enhancing circles. This is one of the most affordable anabolic steroids on the market, it’s highly versatile, tolerated well by most all adult men and its supply is through the roof.

Testosterone Powder , , , , , , , , ,

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