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Halodrol H-Drol Prohormone Turinadiol CDMA Halodrol-50 Ingredient

  • Specificaties
Halodrol H-Drol Prohormone Turinadiol CDMA Halodrol-50 Ingredient

Halodrol | Chlorodehydromethylandrostenediol-CDMA

productnaam: Halodrol
Other Names: H-Drol; Halodrol-50; Turinadiol; CDMA (Short for Chlorodehydromethylandrostenediol)
Chemische naam:4-chloro-17a-methyl androst-1,4 diene-3b,17b-diol
CAS-nr : 1338221-84-3
Moleculaire formule: C20H29ClO2
Molecuulgewicht: 336.90

we supply Purity 99% Min Turinadiol Halodrol Prohormones Materials in Raw Powder form.

What is Halodrol and Benefits?
Halodrol is a 17-alpha alkylated steroid that converts to the steroid Oral Turinabol after interacting with 3-β-HSD enzyme. Studies suggested the lack of progestational effects of Halodrol m ay be due to the the 4-chloro group, where it restricts the interaction with aromatase enzyme to produce inactive 4-chloro-DHT metabolites, thus producing significantly less androgenic side effects.

Halodrol (Chlorodehydromethylandrostenediol-CDMA) is a derivative of the anabolic steroid testosterone. Halodrol bears a striking structural resemblance to another anabolic steroid known as Turinabol (Chlorodehydromethyltestosteron). Often referred to as Oral Turinabol, T-bol or OT, its an altered version of the legendary Dianabol (D-was). Both Halodrol and T-bol possess much lower androgenic activity levels than Dianabol, along with a better balanced ratio between anabolic and androgenic effects. Consequently, they both provide noticeable increases in quality lean muscle, as opposed to D-bols bloated muscle development.

Halodrol Side Effects:
Although Halodrol was sold as aprohormone” of “prosteroidof chlorodehydromethyltestosterone (CDMT), it is likely that the conversion is far from complete and that much of the activity of the drug may be attributable to its unchanged form. Due to the presence of a chloro group at the C4 position, CDMA cannot be aromatized, and for this reason, poses no risk of estrogenic side effects like gynecomastia at any dosage. (those due to increases in estrogen estradiol, prolactin, progesterone or progestin) which generally include increased water retention, body fat gain, and gynecomastia (actually due to the testosterone to estrogen ratio imbalance).But is still capable of producing androgenic side effects like oily skin, acne, and increased growth of facial and body hair, as well as virilization in women. As with other 17α-alkylated AAS, CDMA poses a risk of hepatotoxicity.

Your liver and testosterone production may also be affected by Halodrol usage. Since its 17-alpha alkylated (a modification that permits the drug to pass through the liver and into the bloodstream without being deactivated, thereby making it effective for oral administration) and therefore hepatotoxic (liver toxic), along with its high potency, Halodrol warrants a high recommendation for the use of liver detoxification supplements.

Halodrol 50 Dosering:
Effectieve dosis (Mannen): 100-150 mg/dag
Effectieve dosis (Vrouwen): Niet aangeraden
Halveringstijd: Ongeveer. 16 Uur
Gains from Halodrol generally take a few weeks to notice, and its recommended dosage is 100-150 mg/day as a stand-alone compound, en 50-100 mg/day when stacked within a steroid cycle. Halodrols average cycle length is 4-6 weken, and because of its 17-alpha alkylated (a modification that permits the drug to pass through the liver and into the bloodstream without being deactivated, thereby making it effective for oral administration) property it possesses a high level of hepatotoxicity (lever toxiciteit), thus more than 8 weeks of continuous administration is not recommended.

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